Sunday, September 30, 2018

Keeping Your Greenhouse Clean


If you want to get maximum performance out of your greenhouse, it?s vital to ensure that your greenhouse panels are cleaned. Here are six top tips for keeping it shining and bright.

1. Choose the right cleaning products for your panels. What works on glass may not be the best choice for a plastic greenhouse covering. Some types of plastic panels can actually be dissolved by traditional cleaning fluids. Check with the manufacturer for product-specific advice.

2. Choose the right cleaning products for your plants. Some cleaning fluids leave a residue which can be toxic to delicate plants. Others leave behind chemicals which can be absorbed by plants you plan to eat. Products designed for kitchen use are the best bet if you can?t access specialty products.

3. Use the right scrubbing tool. A scouring pad can help to remove difficult dirt from glass, but should never be used on plastic, where it can cause scratching which will itself reduce the amount of light getting through the panel.

4. Clean frequently. Some of the organic dirt which can build up on greenhouse panels is very hard to remove once it?s become established, but a quick wipe once or twice a week will keep it under control. Basic cleaning should be an everyday part of your schedule when you?re caring for greenhouses properly.

5. Use an anti-algae agent. If you notice greenish misting on your panels, the chances are that you have an algae problem. Once established, algae can spread to the leaves of some plants, suffocating them. There are specialty products which can treat this far more effectively than ordinary cleaners can.

6. Don?t forget the floor! Dirt which builds up on the floor of your greenhouse can later spread to the panels, so it?s a good idea to wash down that concrete or rake through that gravel on a regular basis. This is particularly important in preventing the spread of mold.

With these tips in mind, caring for greenhouses doesn?t have to be hard work. It?s simply a matter of using the right tools for the job and doing that job in an efficient way. Proper cleaning will help to ensure healthy plants and many years of greenhouse-keeping pleasure.
