Friday, October 5, 2018

Charlotte Mason -- Copywork Jumpstarts Your Child?s Spelling


Homeschool families know the value of good penmanship and many introduce copywork as an aid to good writing. But, did you know that copywork can also help your child be an outstanding speller?
What is copywork?

Copywork is copying out by hand from a written source. The value of copywork is to instill the mechanics of great writing. Children learn proper grammar, spelling and phrasing through copying great literature. Charlotte Mason, a British educational reformer, recommended the use of cop
The Pot Belly Pig is a domesticated breed of pig, which has its origins in Vietnam, and it has 14 sub-species. Substantially smaller compared to the European or American farm pigs, adult Pot Belly Pigs are around the size of a large or medium sized breed of dog. However, the body of the pot-bellied pig is denser. The Pot Belly Pig can be distinguished quite easily from other breeds of pigs by their straight tail, upright ears, and of course their size. A lot of people like the idea of owning an exotic or unusual pet. A pot bellied pig fits that bill, but for your sanity and the health of you prospective pet, you should make sure that you know what your getting into.
Pot bellied pigs as pets have several desirable qualities. They are intelligent, readily trained, affectionate, curious, playful, clean, generally quiet, odour free, and usually non-allergenic. Many owners consider their pigs an integral part of the family and involve them in all their activities. They are curious and playful, but also head-strong and sensitive. Without appropriate stimulation, they will become easily bored, and possibly destructive.
However, there ar dig/explore with their snouts - and in doing so may overturn items in the hoigs are social animals so needs lots of attention and interaction, and if feasible, owners should consider keeping more than one pig.
ywork as a beginning point for spelling.

Charlotte Mason ause, including wastebaskets, and can distroy the landscaping. This is instinctual, so an area of soft dirt should be provided in the yard so they can fulfil their need to root. An
Charlotte Mason saw transcription as an intrre a few things potential owners should know. Many people find that pigs are demanding pets and are overwhelmed by their needs - as shown by the abundance of shelters overflowing with pigs. Pigs are unrelenting in their quest for food - and can learn to open the fridge, cupboards, pantry - wherever food may be lurking. They can become demanding, begging for food, and even getting aggressive with kids that have food. Pigs also "root,other problem some have encountered with their pigs is aggression. Pigs can be territorial and have a drive to be dominant, but this can be corrected with proper training.
Just as with dogs your pet pig will need a good quality pig food, regular vaccinations, hoof and tusk trims, and will also need to be spayed or neutered. Regular access to the outdoors for exercise is a necessity as well. Pnd Copywork" ooduction to spelling. Children are encouraged to look at the word, see a picture of it with their eyes shut, and then write from memory. Plain and simple, this was the means she used.

Charlotte Mason encouraged educators to allow the child to choose his own passages. Noting that ?a certain sense of possession and delight may be added to this exercise.? (Home Education, p. 238)

How does it help my child spell?--When reading, the eye slides over the word. For copywork, a child must slow down and analyze the individual words in order to transcribe correctly. In the process the child sees the word as it is, that is correctly and it makes an impression on the mind the will be brought up when the need arises to spell.

Is copywork different from penmanship?
Penmanship is the first step in copywork. A child learns to form each letter through practice. Then, when doing copywork, letter practice is the primary goal. Second is to use well-written, high-quality quotes from literature to inspire and delight.

Is copywork only for penmanship practice?
Yes. It begins as letter formation practice. Once these are mastered, it is for exposure to the best in writing. Copywork done properly forces a child to slow down and absorb the punctuation details, notice capitalization, and internalize sparkling prose.

When should I start copywork with my child?
When your child has begun to master basic writing, usually seven or eight, is a good time to begin.

What are the very best sources for copywork?
Books of poetry
Lively, well-written prose
Science writing that is descriptive
Selection from a foreign language
Bartlette's Familiar Quotations

What is the best way to begin copywork?
Penny Gardner, author of Italics: Beautiful Handwriting for Children (Living Books Press), says to keep the session short, five to ten minutes, and expect the child to do his very best without dawdling. As for materials, a good lead pencil and college-ruled, lined notebook or, for beginning students, a lined writing tablet are the best.
