Sunday, September 30, 2018

Odesk Guide For Freelancers


ODesk is one of the largest market place site in the world that's why it is popular among virtual assistantsand other freelance workers. It is a place where employers post projects/jobs that they need to outsource and freelancers bid on those jobs.
How does it work?
Employers will provide all the details about the job and it will be open to all oDesk freelancers. The freelancers will respond to the job by stating their rates, project cost and cover letter. Employers will now choose among the bids and if they like your bid, you'll be ask for an interview and might get the job.
Jobs/projects posted can either be fixed or hourly basis. If the project is hourly basis, both the freelancer and employer are protected thru the oDesk tracking software which enables automated time management and billing. This ensures payment for the freelancer.
Getting Started
Start by signing up on oDesk. Click on the create account button on the upper left side of the website.
Create your contractor profile by filling up the necessary details.
Verify your email address. Click the link in the email, or paste the URL into a new browser.
Fill out your contact information ( Yahoo Messenger ID/skype for interview with employers), phone number, City, Country, and Timezone.
Also add your skills, employment history, education, portfolio projects, certifications, work experiences etc.
Note: Make sure that your profile will stand out from other contractors. Also give as much information as possible about yourself without being too personal.
After following all these steps, review the oDesk Marketplace User Agreement and take the readiness test. After passing the test, you may now start searching for jobs.
Readiness test
This is a mandatory test before a freelancer can start looking for jobs at oDesk. Its main purpose is to make sure that the freelancer is ready to work with the system, and knows the policies and practices of the website.
Qualification Tests
oDesk also has series of tests in their website to assess the skills and expertise of a freelancer. These tests are optional however; it is best if you take as much test as you can that is related to your skills. You will have better chance to be picked if you have high scores on these tests.
Job Hunting
You may search jobs by categories or thru keyword search. Just click the apply button to your desired job. Place your bid and your cover letter ( list your skills, experience and other details needed for your application).Include how much amount you want to be paid in your bid. For fixed rate project, enter how long it will take you to finish the project.
Payment System
Hourly Contracts
oDesk automatically bills weekly for time logged on hourly contracts. With hourly jobs, freelancers use the Team application to track their time to their work diaries.
Team Application
This is a software that will help employer tract freelancer's work performance. It will log his/her time, view earning, take periodic screen shots, and enable your employer to contact him/her thru by IM. Earnings will be based on time logged..
Fixed Price Contracts
Employers need to authorize payments manually via the contract details page. Once an employer authorizes payment on a fixed-price contract, these payments post to their Transaction History page and bill automatically.
When a freelancer gets paid, oDesk charge 11.11% on to the employer.
Ex. If the freelancer earns $100, the employer will have to pay additional 11.11% charge that will go to oDesk.
Freelancers can get their money thru Paypal, Payoneer, Moneybookers, wire transfer, and local funds transfer.
read more about it
