Friday, October 5, 2018

Using A Time Travel Notebook


History is a subject that can be overwhelming to teach. Where to start? How much to teach? Sometimes its hard to get a handle on things.

We developed a Time Travel Notebook, to help us keep track of what we've studied and what we still need to cover. Using an ordinary spiral bound notebook and some organization you can help your child get a "big picture" view of historical events.

Start by picking a time in history that your child is interested in. Or let your child pick a time. In the middle of your notebook write the date or time in history that you have chosen. Now, research this period by studying the major events. For example, my son loves WWII. We started his notebook with Pearl Harbor. We studied Pearl Harbor, the events leading up to the attack and what happened immediately afterwards. Now to continue, we start with Pearl Harbor and move either forward or backward through time hitting major events. When we come to an event that interests us we study it in greater detail. Every major event is chronicled in our notebook. It may take one page and one day or several pages and span many weeks depending on the children's level of interest in the particular subject.

Using this technique has allowed my children to have a better idea of when major events in history occured. It is also a great way to open dialogue with your children. It's really fun when they start studying events you have lived through. It also gives them a great opportunity to learn to respect what their Grandparents may have lived through. My son has had great conversations with his Great-Grandfather about serving in Italy during WWII. It gives them a common interest and also gives Grandpa a boost. His fourteen year old Great-Grandson wants to spend time with him.

History doesn't have to be boring. Make a Time Travel Notebook and see what adventures your children embark on.
